How does one motivate oneself?
While I do have a psychosocial disability, what I value about myself is my ability to bounce back - my resilience, so to say. Every failure of mine caused on account of my disability has been, to state it simply, an opportunity in disguise- I have inspired AND MOTIVATED several others with the same problem to fight adversity via my talk on YouTube for instance. An example of my disability would be as follows; sometimes when I have to work I have a block in my head all of a sudden that makes me simply want to sit and not work at all. While other people would be scared of such a thing, all I have to do is meditate for a few seconds- not even minutes but seconds and the block goes away. I feel exceedingly shy and scared when I go to parties and experience a block before I meet people and before I have to socialize but then I immediately plug on to my spiritual resources and derive strength from them and there I am, having a ball of time talking to people, communicating to them as also learning from their professional expertise, understanding them, joking with them and establishing networks [many of which have lasted] with them in the context of my work. I also tell people [those whom I think will understand me] about my disability and see how I can involve them in my cause to make them contribute to the larger good of the psychosocially challenged women.
My disability does not make me dysfunctional- it merely makes me find ways to overcome or circumvent obstacles. And that is what I think exemplifies the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. It is not what happens to you that matters - it is how you react to what happens to you and what you proactively do about it that really matters. This is how I have managed to reach where I have reached in life currently. Challenges in life don’t scare me – they make me all the more determined to achieve my goal.
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