What is the family caregiving?

As life expectancies increase, medical treatments advance, and increasing numbers of people living with chronic illnesses and disabilities, more and more of us find ourselves caring for a loved one at home. Whether you’re taking care of an aging parent, a spouse with a disability, or looking after a child with a physical or mental illness, providing care for a family member in need is an act of kindness, love, and loyalty. Day after day, you gift your loved one with your care and attention, improving their quality of life, even if they’re unable to express their gratitude. And many a time the ones we care for, do feel very happy!! A caregiver's job is truly noble!!! . . #ChronicIllness #ChronicDisablities #MentalWellbeing #MentalWellness #Schizophrenia #Schizophrenic #MentalIllness #CareGiver #SupportGroup #FamilyCareGiver #DrLavanyaSeshasayee